
Self-paced digital training on AWS

Last, but not least, it is a surefire way to energize the group and have everyone focused and ready to go. The Four Quadrants is a tried and true team building activity to break the ice with a group or team. Checking in is one of the best ways you can quickly break the ice and start your session off on the right foot. When working in online meetings, it can be helpful to include interactive, visual elements to any activity.

aws icebreaker

Once done, the pair splits and each individual partners with another group member. The newly formed pair then teaches each other the original handshakes and together creates a new one. Introduce participants to a list of possible items and have them choose the three they find most essential. Then, they’ll share the items they chose with the rest of the group. This activity works well with a remote team and with larger groups, you may want to separate people into smaller teams where they collaboratively strategize on which items to pick. Also, it can be repeated after the first try to see if they can improve their collaboration.

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Sometimes, the purpose of a virtual icebreaker can be as simple as getting people talking or to learn one another’s names before dropping into breakout rooms. Whatever the format, the icebreakers for virtual meetings goal is always to help your team be present in the meeting and begin making connections. Getting to know others virtually can be challenging, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable.

By sharing and being vulnerable in this way, teams can learn a bit more about their colleagues and start to strengthen their relationships as a result. Every member of a team is also an individual, and in this game, participants are invited to imagine themselves as the member of a pirate crew! Start by sharing the image of the crew of a pirate ship and ask each person to choose who they most identify with. Then ask everyone to share, either in the chat, verbally on in breakout groups. In all cases, these activities encourage communication and contributions from your entire virtual team. For this reason alone, their inclusion at the start of a meeting can be transformative.

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If you’re leading a meeting about planning an upcoming project, ask participants to share one word that they think describes the goal or the processes that are needed. In the short group challenge, participants must organize themselves in a line according to a certain criteria (like height) without speaking. Simpler versions of the activity can be used in early stages of group development while more complex versions can be used to challenge more established groups.

Sometimes, all you need for a good icebreaker is an effective conversation starter that lets people get to know each other and start communicating. Virtual team ice breakers can also be effective ways to catch up and save time later in the meeting. A quick check-in round can help surface issues, wins and potential discussion points.

More in Teamwork

This method is adapted from the well-known icebreaker ‘Two Truths And A Lie’ to create an activity that you could return to throughout a meeting. This classic icebreaker works just as well online as in real life, though I’ve https://remotemode.net/ found it most effective in breakout rooms. The most interesting conversations that arise from this game are often about discussing the two truths that came up, rather than simply finding out if we’re right or wrong.

  • It is super easy to prep for and set up – you only need large sheets of paper (flipcharts or similar) and markers.
  • Ensure you never overlook icebreaker activities for adults and see how they can help you.
  • With SessionLab, you drag, drop and reorder blocks to create your agenda in a snap.
  • These can be objects within the person’s reach or something they pick out beforehand.






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